Exercise & Dance Classes:
Dance Classes
- Wheelaround Square Dancing
- Island Gems Round Dancing (Thursday evenings in autumn through to spring)
- 2-330pm Waltz
- 3:30 -4:30pm Explore other rhythms with a focus on rumba and cha
- cost $10. per lesson or a combo. Stay for both lessons for $15
- These classes are geared to participation by couples. Singles are asked to invite a friend to join them.
- Email for more info or to register:
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- Amalgam-eighters - Square dancing
Lessons Tuesdays 7:00 -9:00 pm, Starting January 9, 2024 (FIRST TWO LESSONS FREE - all 12 lesons $96)
- Salsa Dancing
- Crimson Coast
- West Coast Swing
- Acclaim Celtic Dancers
Exercise Classes
- Mid-Island Tai Chi
- By donation, Tuesdays 1:00-3:00pm
- NIA (Non Impact Aerobics) with Laurie Redberger
- Wednesday mornings
Youth Clubs
- Girl Guides of Canada - Sparks, Embers, Guides & Pathfinders
Community Group Meetings
- Wellington Community Association (Monthly except during summer)
- Wellington Action Committee (Monthly except during summer)
- New Horizons Christian Church meets Sunday mornings